Unlock the chains of needs to fuel Journeys for Success

So I’ve just been editing Episode 13 of my Evolving Enterprises Podcast! It’s a really interesting session, an intriguing conversation with Isabel Gennaro, delving into the intricate landscape of emotions and the "feeling world." As we navigate the complexities of human connection with our surroundings, in reflecting on our conversation I was able to take a moment to consider the juxtaposition of our present circumstances with a glimpse into the past.


Today, when we observe the career paths of young professionals, like my nephews who have recently begun their journeys, we can't help but reflect upon Maslow's Pyramid of needs. What are they striving for in the hustle and bustle of London, where they've relocated for work? They are, without a doubt, pursuing the foundational tiers of the pyramid, primarily focused on basic safety and security.


Despite their commendable salaries, the exorbitant cost of rent in London has them wrestling with their finances. Their work hours, starting at the crack of dawn and concluding late at night, tether them to the city. This unrelenting grind sends them spiralling towards the base of Maslow's pyramid. Sadly, many individuals find themselves in similar situations, struggling to secure their basic needs.


However, not everyone is as fortunate as my nephews. Numerous individuals subsist on lower incomes, residing in different towns, facing identical challenges. They are trapped in a cycle where they can't afford to buy a car or have to endure high train fares, resulting in a need to live closer to work in less-than-ideal neighbourhoods. They, too, find themselves ensnared at the bottom of Maslow's pyramid. It's a predicament that countless individuals are grappling with in our modern world.


As they progress through their careers, there may come a time when they begin to experience a sense of belonging. Perhaps they'll eventually afford to marry, which will elevate them slightly higher on the pyramid. Yet, the peak of self-esteem and self-actualisation still seems like a distant dream for these young professionals in their twenties and thirties. The path to such lofty aspirations appears lengthy and uncertain.


When contemplating organisational transformation and progress, it's crucial to acknowledge that our workplaces are populated with individuals yearning for that next level. They are preoccupied with securing their basic safety needs, sometimes even stretching back to concerns about food and water. Many people find themselves tethered to their jobs, with each day presenting new challenges and no guarantees.


Now, let's shift gears and contrast this modern scenario with a historical figure who recently gained prominence: Alexander Hamilton. His early life was marked by poverty and hardship, with his mother passing away when he was young, followed by a series of tragic events. Hamilton, however, had a slight advantage – flexibility.


Unlike many of today's young professionals, Hamilton had the flexibility to pursue a regular job as a clerk at an import-export firm. Astonishingly, he was entrusted with significant responsibilities for a brief period. While it might seem unimaginable today to give such a young person such authority, it turned out to be a pivotal moment in his life. It allowed him the space to discover his true talents as a speaker and a writer.


From that point, Hamilton began to hone his writing skills, ultimately catching the attention of those who could support his education. This marked the beginning of his journey out of adversity. This example highlights the importance of having a degree of flexibility and freedom for individuals to embark on their journey towards self-actualisation.


In essence, it takes just a little wiggle room for people to tap into their potential and move towards self-actualisation. They require time, support, and the opportunity to explore their talents. While it may have been more accessible in Hamilton's era, today's young professionals can still find mentors and allies in the right organisations who can help them on their path.


Imagine if Hamilton had been confined to mundane tasks in his import-export business, denied the opportunity to develop his exceptional skills. His pivotal role in shaping America's future might never have materialised. This flags the importance of providing people with the liberty to discover themselves, which doesn't necessarily require vast resources, but rather a modicum of freedom.


So, how can organisations foster an environment that enables individuals not only to reconnect with their emotional worlds but also to pursue what truly matters to them holistically? This question lies at the heart of our journey towards self-actualisation and the next level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. In our ever-evolving world, it's a challenge we must collectively address, unlocking the potential within each of us and allowing it to flourish.


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